Today is my first day off from work since my last post. I finally hit the point where the alarm went off in the morning and I said to myself, "Damn, I do not want to get up and go to this job." I'm itching to start a new adventure. I realized that time is slipping by so quickly as I go through to motions of getting up and going to a crappy job everyday. This is my life! I just wish it didn't take 3 months to hear back after applying for a job. I'm still waiting to hear back from jobs with CO dept of wildlife, CSU, Boulder County, Budweiser, and a company in Charleston, SC. Something please just work out!! I heard back a polite 'no' from a CDOW researcher who said that he had 102 applications for just 2 positions. Would I have changed my major if I had known how hard it would be to find a job? I don't think so. Maybe I would have done Wildlife Bio instead of Zoology, but I wouldn't have gone into another field. Seems like everyday I hear of another person my age going back to school for a masters to get out of this terrible job economy. I want to do that for sure, but just not now. As much as I really liked school, I am enjoying the break. Sure work just plain sucks sometimes, but there are no exams and no homework. I saw a kid studying for O-chem at WFs yesterday, and actually smiled to myself that I finally defeated that class, and will NEVER have to look at it again. I found a masters in Marine Biology at College of Charleston that seems to be a good fit for me. Now, I just need to get a job down there so I can get instate for eventually doing that! I have a clear memory of watching some documentary on whales when I was probably 11 years old, and telling my mom "I just want to be a marine biologist so bad!!", after correcting me "Badly. You want to be a marine biologist badly.", she told me I could be whatever I wanted and I just have to do whatever it takes to get there. So at a point in my life where I feel like I'm in a stall pattern, I need to start taking proactive steps. First: find a job giving me relevant experience, preferably in South Carolina. or Florida. Or Georgia. Ready? Break!
I went to Dillard's last week to buy a new mattress pad with a gift card I had, and had an interesting and unexpected chat with the guy working in the home department. We started talking about how we were both working crappy retail jobs with college degrees. He had a theater degree, was also 24, and still searching for a job that he really much fun as he was having peddling sheets and pillows to old ladies, it wasn't fulfilling his dreams. What struck me about the conversation though was that he was the most optimistic person about it all. He had just met me, and after 10 minutes looked me in the eye and said, "I know you will get a job you love, like within the year. I know it." His optimism was contagious, and I left feeling uplifted. Oh please Dillard's Prophet, be right!
Project 365 photos from the past week:
March 30, 2011: Prairie Dog colony off Hwy 36, looking over the Boulder Valley. One of my favorite spots to just sit and take Colorado in.
March 31, 2011: My new Chacos arrived!! I had my last pair for 9 years, so lets hope the new versions measure up. Favorite shoes ever.
April 1, 2011: Took Lola to Boulder Creek to explore and break in the new chacos. She had lots of fun tasting the waters, but didn't get up the courage to get in.
April 2, 2011: While cleaning at work, my coworker Rob and I noticed that our new cleaning products claim to "kill HIV/AIDS" We remain skeptical, but rest assured, you will NOT get AIDS from the credit card machines at WF.
April 3, 2011: My reading list, aka Lola's casualties. I think she likes the glue used on the spines, and therefore any hardcover book left within her reaching distance will be stripped naked by the time I get home. Nothing a little packing tape and duct tape can't handle.
April 4, 2011: View of the Flatirons from the Boulder dog park. Pictures and drawings of these are on EVERYTHING in Boulder.
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